Monday, 20 March 2017

Update on Kitties

Seeing as how this is their blog, it seems fair that Sam & Tawny get to be featured...

The cats are enjoying our stay in Torrey, UT as there is a large field on two sides of the RV park.

There are lots of gigantic ants' nests for Tawny to roll in, pee in, and just generally upset the whole colony...

She enjoys the horse shelters on the property.  Good scratch posts!

Sam spends lots of time crouched down spying on people and dogs, but he has really enjoyed zooming around chasing Tawny's leash. He's been very playful the past week or so.

Both cats seem to be energized by the wind that inevitably kicks up right before we take them out for their evening walk!  Tawny has zoomed up several trees, and Sam is apt to be right on her tail, or zooming the opposite direction.

John doesn't love the wind so much.  He enjoys the horse shelters too!

Tawny left her meow in Quail's Creek State Park - or so goes our family saying... (to the tune of  "I left my heart in San Francisco"...)  We're not sure if it was all the dried grass and fox tails she ate, or the lizard tail, but something scratched - or at least irritated - her throat (we think) and she went through about a week of not being able to meow at all.  It's slowly coming back, but her voice is about an octave lower than it used to be.  Very odd.  We'll see if that changes in time, but for now, at least she can "mrapp" again (the distinctive Tawny meow).

Sam, enjoying spying on dogs in the RV park
With all of the cacti and thistle bushes around, somebody seems to have something in one of their paws every day, but neither of the cats needs (nor wants) our help with that - and so far, they both seem to be able to deal with the spikes and thorns themselves.  Life in the desert is hard for foothills kitties!

Tawny, in front of an amazing vista!!

Both seem to be enjoying their holiday, nevertheless.  It's been a great adventure for them, so far, with lots more to come!
Sam, trying to figure out where his trailer is.

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