Thursday 30 March 2017

Moab, Utah

Sam, sitting in thick bush (which is his favourite thing)
We stayed in the town of Moab (southeastern Utah) for 4 nights while we toured the Arches National Park.

Moab was named (by the Mormon settlers) for a biblical reference to a remote desert land that lay beyond Jordan.  To me, it has the feel of Banff.  Certainly, not the same "look" (other than the volume of tourists) but it "feels" the same to me - a bustling little beehive of activity, organizing tours for avid outdoor adventurers.

Sam, checking out a church side lot

The highway runs right though town, and is jam-packed all day every day. We quickly learned the side roads that got us around town without being on the actual highway.  It was a bit too "zoo-ey" for John.  He liked Panguitch (and Torrey) a whole lot better!

Tawny, pretty well camoflauged with the gorgeous yellow bush
The campground was full of dogs and kids (and bicycles), so cat walks in the RV Park were out of the question.  We took the cats to several different places along 2 different creeks so they had their daily outdoor adventures.

John and I went out for dinner to a lovely Thai place ("Singha").  It was the first meal out for us since we left Long Beach, and was a nice change.  We're really enjoying our home cooked meals in the trailer, mind you, and have gotten particularly good use out of the small slow cooker that we brought with us.  We need power for that, of course, but we've done several amazing slow cooked dinners on long hike days.  It's so wonderful to come home to dinner smelling fantastic and being ready to eat when we're tired and hungry.  We're also getting much out of our Spiralizer. We've made butternut squash spaghetti, as well as sweet potatoe and zucchini noodles.

Sam & Tawny, exploring a trail beside Mill Creek
We haven't had reliable access to meats, fresh produce nor wine (!!) since we left St. George in SW Utah (weeks ago!!) St. George was a metropolis compared to everywhere else since.  When we find a good grocery store (or State Liquor Store) we stock up.  We learned that the hard way.

Tawny, motoring along a well-marked path along the creek.

Moab is surrounded by canyon walls so it's very protected and much warmer than other places around. Consequently, spring was in full bloom in Moab.

Everywhere else we're planning on visiting is forecasted to have winter weather warnings and advisories.  It was nice to experience spring (while it lasted)!

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